Taking Advantage Of Political Opportunity

We certainly do live in a Unique Time. As we see the Political Lines being drawn in the Sand, Christians need to take stock of what is really important. Consider, if you will, living in the time of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot. There are open and free elections, and you have a choice, as well as all the other citizens you live with, to vote for a different candidate. Fantastic, you shout! Now imagine that the other candidate you can vote for is a character like Donald Trump. How does that sit with you?

You may say to me, “that’s not a fair comparison”, or “I can’t believe you would compare a Democrat to someone like that”. Well, for sake of argument, maybe you have a point. These men were Murdering Butchers who had Millions upon Millions of innocent people in their respective countries put to death. But consider in the last 47 years, that each of them were outdone by the Democratic Party through their support of Abortion. Recent figures, which continue upward every day, put the total at 61 Million. That’s roughly 18.5% of our current population. That’s more than many countries in the world today.

But consider in the last 47 years, that each of them were outdone by the Democratic Party through their support of Abortion. Recent figures, which continue upward every day, put the total at 61 Million.

Until American christians look at Politics this way, we will always be fighting an uphill battle. Since I was old enough to vote, this battle has been primarily centered around this one Issue – LIFE! And because it is in the President’s power to nominate a Supreme Court Justice during a vacancy, and this Roe v Wade Battle is centered there, the selection of the President is always a Major One; every election! Of course, there are many more issues than Life involved in our choice of President. But when we’re talking about 61 Million Innocent Human Beings, it can be a One Issue subject. So at stake isn’t whether or not our President is Democrat or Republican, its more of an Issue of Life and Death. Come this November, what Party will you be voting for? The Party of Life…or of Death!

1 thought on “Taking Advantage Of Political Opportunity”

  1. Bravo! Finally, a believer who sees the straight line between Christ’s mercy and the plight of the unborn. Too bad the modern church is filled with do many moral cowards. Each of us will have to answer for how we treat the least among us, and the most vulnerable.

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