Listen to it now!
Back in the Mid Seventies, I was introduced to Classical Music. I had come back from surfing one night and my room-mate put on the local Classical Music station which had on Rossini’s “William Tell Overture” Live. Because I was familiar with some of it from Cartoons and the Lone Ranger, I listened to the whole thing. I was Hooked! I began listening to that station from then on. Fast Forward to 1981. I had become familiar with Guitarists like Andres Segovia, Julian Bream, and Christopher Parkening. Imagine my surprise when I saw an endorsement for Rick Foster’s Music by Parkening himself! I hope you enjoy listening to him as much as I have.
Sacred Classic Guitar was released in 1983. Like its predecessors, Hymns and More Hymns, it too came out on the Bread and Honey record label. This Album had come out after I sold my Christian Bookstore and until recently I had not heard it. After hearing it though, I decided to include it into my Sunday Worship Albums. It is equally on par with the previous two.
As reviewed by GUITARIST’S FORUM at (Used with permission.): Rick Foster is a gifted classical guitarist who draws inspiration from both Andrés Segovia and Chet Atkins. Many prominent guitarists, including Christopher Parkening and Chet Atkins, have recorded Rick’s beautifully crafted arrangements. We’ve carried Rick’s music since the 1980’s, and his performance on every one of his albums is top-notch. He’s a wonderful player, and his heartfelt connection to the repertoire comes across on every album.
Though the first two Albums were titled with “Hymns”, this one is not. However, all the songs recorded can be found in Hymnals with the exception of Trumpet Tune and Air. It is a Classical Piece by Henry Purcell, an English Composer from the 1600’s, but fits well along with Hymns. Here are the Songs from the Album listed below. Feel free to visit my YouTube Page where I post all my Music:
- Christ The Lord Has Risen Today
- Nearer, Still Nearer
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
- Trumpet Tune And Air
- The Lord’s Prayer
- There Is A Balm In Gilead
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus
- The Unclouded Day
- I’ll Fly Away
- In The Garden