Listen to it now!
Back in the Mid Seventies, I was introduced to Classical Music. I had come back from surfing one night and my room-mate put on the local Classical Music station which had on Rossini’s “William Tell Overture” Live. Because I was familiar with some of it from Cartoons and the Lone Ranger, I listened to the whole thing. I was Hooked! I began listening to that station from then on. Fast Forward to 1981. I had become familiar with Guitarists like Andres Segovia, Julian Bream, and Christopher Parkening. Imagine my surprise when I saw an endorsement for Rick Foster’s Music by Parkening himself! I hope you enjoy listening to him as much as I have.
Hymns For Classic Guitar came out in 1978 on a fairly unknown record label, Bread and Honey. It had been out for a few years when I began selling it in my second Christian Book Store, the Gospel Seed, back in 1981. I’m not sure how I came across it, but we actually played it in the store quite a bit because it was all instrumental. Here is a review given by Christopher Parkening :
“Hymns for Classic Guitar not only enhances the repertoire for classical guitar, but also radiates a sincerity and warmth that will be spiritually rewarding for you I am sure. This album is the first of its kind, and offers Rick an opportunity to express his gratitude and praise to God for the gift of eternal life.”
The Songs from the Album are listed below and are “mostly” Hymns. I say mostly because there are a few that are not (Pass It On, Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring, and For Those Tears I Died). Feel free to visit my YouTube Page where I post all my Music.
- Be Still My Soul
- Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Morning Has Broken
- All Creatures Of Our God And King
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Pass It On
- For Those Tears I Died
- Amazing Grace
- This World Is Not My Home
- Softly And Tenderly
- Just As I Am
- There’s A Quiet Understanding
- I Am Bound For The Promised Land