“I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched; My eyes fail while I wait for my God.” Psalm 69:3
In Today’s Psalm, David begins by crying out, “Save me, O God” because “Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head”. Here, in Verse 3, we have a summary of what that time in Prayer was like. As I mentioned yesterday, David was a man after God’s own Heart and this Psalm is a good description of why!
In God’s work, of making us more like Christ, times like this are inevitable. There is no Easy Alternative. We MUST come to the end of ourselves and turn solely and completely to God, or it does not happen. As Paul pleads with the Romans, “I beseech you therefore brothers”, the Admonition is, “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice”. May God give each of us more Grace to become like Christ!