Read Psalm 6-10

“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.” Psalm 5:3

For many years now, I have read through the Psalms, five at a time, except for Psalm 119, which I take 2 days to read through. If you do the math, that gets you through the entire Book in a month. I say this because up until now, we’ve averaged about 10 Chapters every 3 days. At this pace, one can read through the entire Bible in one year. But I also spend more time going through Proverbs; usually Chapters 10-31. This keeps me on target to finish by year’s end!

Well, if you noticed (and not to complicate things even more than I have), this Psalm should be from yesterday’s reading; but I wanted to include it here. And, as an FYI, I’m using the KJV today. As a young Christian, this was the version I used and memorized the first 3 verses from a song we sang in church. It has a special place in my heart. Okay, enough Introduction. Here are some brief Thoughts!

Yesterday, we considered the Primary focus of our lives being the Word of God. Here, David very plainly shows us the importance of Daily Prayer. We can never pray or depend on God too much! Spending Quality time each day, both in Prayer and Bible reading, is requisite for anyone that would consider themselves Born Again.
May God give us more Grace to this end!

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