“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.” Psalm 127:1
This Song of Ascents was penned by Solomon. Consider the implications. If there was anyone who knew how to “build” it was Solomon. Many Chapters are devoted to his building the Temple, as well as other projects, and yet he says, it is an empty pursuit unless the Lord is involved. Also, as the son of King David, he certainly knew how to guard a city. But again he says “the watchman keeps awake in vain” if God is not involved.
If the wisest man that lived said this, what does this say about our pursuits? How many times have we undertaken a project and failed to ask God for His blessing? I’m as guilty as most! It’s times like this that God’s Word becomes so relevant to our daily life!!!