“The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests hearts.” Proverbs 17:3
Have you ever seen gold or silver being refined? It takes about 2,000°F to melt gold, the impurities to rise to the top, and then be skimmed off. As more and more dross is removed, the purer and purer the gold becomes. Here, Solomon, who was quite familiar with gold and silver, makes the observation in Today’s Verse.
The NASB uses the word “tests”, other versions use “tries”, but within the context, it really should be “refines” or “purifies”. Either way, picture in Solomon’s mind, the Smith heating up that precious metal with extreme heat, removes the dross, and then considers: “but ‘the Lord’ purifies hearts”.
Gives a completely different Picture of Sanctification, doesn’t it?