Read Nehemiah 1-4

“When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:4

As we begin the Book of Nehemiah we read that News arrives in Persia. One of his brothers, Hanani, has returned from Palestine and is asked by Nehemiah about “the Jews who had escaped and about Jerusalem”. The News was not good. He is told “the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire.” Today’s Verse is his reaction.

When we read through this Book, we are right to marvel at Nehemiah’s Administrative Insight, his Ability to Lead, and the Courage he displayed in rebuilding the Wall. How could this Humble Cupbearer do so much? Well, Today’s Verse gives us some insight! We’re told that he “wept and mourned for days” and “was fasting and praying”. This wasn’t because he was asked to do something. It was because of his passionate Love for God, and for His People; “this is who he was”! All the Skill and Ability we see is Secondary to his Godly Character.

It’s Doubtless that many of us will ever be in his position; Serving a King and being able to take on some Amazing Task on behalf of his People. But we can Pray for those that are. They may be a Pastor, a Teacher, a Boss, or someone in Authority. Let’s follow this Godly Man’s example and Pray for those Leaders over us!

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