Read Judges 19-21

“But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the sons of Israel.” Judges 20:13b

This is the last story in the Book of Judges and one cannot read it without shaking the head in disbelief. An entire tribe refuses to turn over individuals guilty of gang rape and murder. Instead, they gather to fight against their brothers; the other 11 tribes. It becomes Civil War at its worst! 40,000 men of Israel would lose their lives seeking to do right, as well as 18,000 from Benjamin, defending the Wicked. It’s absolutely Staggering!!!

What is the Lesson in all this? Sometimes a Righteous Cause has a Great Price. Our Revolutionary and Civil War, and both World Wars, come to mind. Considering what was at stake and the “Why” behind them, leaves one not having much of an alternative. The American Colonists were at the Mercy of a merciless King who brought them to the brink of War progressively without much alternative. The issue of Sovereign State Rights and whether Any Man should be a Slave made the “War Between the States” a No Win Situation. We had stayed out of both World Wars in the beginning, but attacks on our Sovereignty made it impossible to avoid taking up arms.

The Church too, has weathered its share of Storms. Each Heresy and Church Counsel would result in Battles that needed to be waged. The Reformation would result in a World Wide Conflict that Had to be Fought! The Ultimate Battle and War was waged by God Himself when He came to earth to Fight against Sin and Satan. Of all the Great Sacrifices made, the One of Infinite Worth giving His Life for Infinite Offense is unlike any other. May IT give us fresh perspective in how we view our ongoing Battle and War with Sin!!!

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