Read Judges 16-18

“In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.” Judges 17:6

This is the Theme Verse of Judges. It is repeated in 21:25 and alluded to several times throughout the Book. As I’ve stated in earlier writings, Judges is a collection of Sad and Sordid Tales; Men committing Idolatry, Murder, Adultery, Fornication, Homosexuality, Stealing, Lying, all the while thinking they were right with God.

Today’s Chapter opens with the story of Micah, who stole money from his mother, and upon restoring it, will use some of it to make a Graven and Molten Image, create a shrine for worshiping, and employ a wandering Levite as their Priest; all in the name of Jehovah! And the story goes downhill from there. Rightly does Judges proclaim “Every man did what was right in his own eyes”!

But doesn’t this happen in today’s Christianity? As long as we go to Church, Read a Bible, and Pray a Prayer, all is well; regardless of how we live? Paul tells us that these things were written for our Instruction. They were written so we “Would Not” be guilty of embracing the same Error. Paul warned the Corinthians “Do Not Be Deceived” about this Duplicity when he told them that the “Unrighteous” would not inherit the Kingdom of God. He then gives them a Laundry List of Lifestyles that would keep them out of Heaven. May God open our eyes to see through His Eyes!

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