Read Job 35-37

“Then Elihu continued and said,” Job 35:1

As I said yesterday, Elihu is quite the character; speaking at times wisely, then foolishly; humbly, then arrogantly. On your first time reading through Job, you really don’t know what to expect; he is Very Unpredictable! What little we do know about him is found at the beginning of his Narrative. He was patient, even though “his anger burned”. And, we’re told he was not as old as these 3 Friends; “they were years older than he”. However his Bedside Manner is what usually stands out; Very Unique! He says “I was shy and afraid to tell you what I think” and spends the rest of the Chapter explaining himself. Go Figure!

But in spite of his manner, he does have much to say that is Profitable. These next 3 Chapters are quite amazing. His insights into the Character and Attributes of God are very impressive. How he forms his position and argument is brilliant. There is much we can learn from him. Hopefully, you have time to read through slowly and see for yourself!

A great Lesson that comes from Today’s Reading is how quickly we might write off someone that rubs us the wrong way. That’s not to excuse them if they’ve sinned, or behaved in a manner that is not correct; But when we dismiss them because they “are not like us” is such a Huge Mistake! We are told “God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired.” That would include the “Elihu’s” among us!

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