Read Job 26-28

“And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.'” Job 28:28

If you’ve been Reading through the Book of Job, you’ve hit what I will call “The Interlude”. Job’s 3 Friends (if you can call them that) have each taken their best shot at Accusing and Condemning Job. For Chapters 27-31, Job basically responds and reinforces his innocence. There are many Nuggets of Truth throughout this section, including Today’s Verse at the end of the Chapter.

For the Christian, this is one of the Most Important Verses in the Bible!!! You really need to read through the entire Chapter to understand “why”. Job spends most of his time describing the Time, Trouble, and Difficulty Mankind will take to accumulate Things of Value: Gold, Silver, Copper, Diamonds, Rubies, etc. He leaves nothing off his list.

And then he asks the Question, “But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?” because ultimately, Wisdom is more valuable than everything else combined! The Answer? Only one place; with God Himself. And not just a “knowledge” of Him; A State of Heart. And how is that accomplished? By Fearing God and Departing from Evil!!! Don’t wait until Trouble hits before figuring this out. Start Today!

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