Read Job 19-21

“They say to God, ‘Depart from us! We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways’.” Job 21:14

As the Conversation with Job’s 3 Friends continues, we see him once again lashing out at their Insensitivity. “How long will you torment me and crush me with words? These ten times you have insulted me; you are not ashamed to wrong me. Even if I have truly erred, my error lodges with me.” What amazing patience this godly man had! There is no way I would have been able to carry on with a civil tongue.

Well, at this point in the Discussion, Job and Zophar have focused on their view of the Wicked. Without elaborating, they are both quite different. Today’s Verse is a summary of Job’s view. In essence, Job describes Mankind’s problem thusly: They want nothing to do with God, or His ways!

This is such a Scary Thought! When you look at Man’s History in the Bible, its darkest moments were when God removed His presence. Consider the Flood! At that time, Mankind is described by, “every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”. You can’t get much darker than that! As you read through the rest of the Bible, you see the same pattern; Remove God, Remove His Ways, then comes Judgement! And sadly, that is where we are rapidly heading today.

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