Read Jeremiah 45-48

“But as for you, O Jacob My servant, do not fear,” Jeremiah 46:27a

In the last chapters of Jeremiah, God declares various Judgements coming to the Nations. Beginning with Egypt and ending with Babylon, the message is utter Doom and Gloom. But in the midst of these are several verses of Hope and Safety given to God’s People; and that Word of comfort is “do not fear”. God says, though I am about to bring Severe Judgement and Wrath against the Nations, you Jacob, have nothing to fear!

I see a great parallel for the Church today. God’s Judgement is starting to fall on this Present Evil World and all around us is the beginning of Chaos and Violence. But God’s Word still calls out to His People in the midst of the Storm, “do not fear”. He is with us and will deliver us!!!

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