“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22
What is the Ultimate Authority in your life when it comes to shaping your World View, especially when it pertains to this Earth and all of Creation? Is it “you” and “your senses”? Is it our great and learned Scientists? Is it The Wise Man of this Age? Or is it God and His Word? If it is not God and what He has said, then why are you reading this or a Bible? Now don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to discourage Daily Bible Reading. That is the whole purpose of this Blog. But I want to Challenge you to see that God’s Word is very One Sided. What God has declared is TRUE, and He leaves no Wiggle Room!!!
Here in Today’s Verse, God refutes the “Climate Change Theory” entirely! This is a Promise He gave, not just to His People, but All Mankind. And notice the last 3 words; SHALL NOT CEASE!!! Granted, Man is not, and has not been, a good steward of the Earth. He is, and has been, quite Foolish with the standards and policies that govern what we can and cannot do. But the Omnipotent and All Wise God considered this, long before He made this Promise. All claims otherwise are Absolute Folly!!! May God grant us Biblical Convictions!