Read Genesis 28-30

“He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”” Genesis 28:17

As Jacob journeyed back to his mother’s home for a wife, he stops to spend the night at the city which would become known as Bethel (House of God). He has a dream of Angels, ascending and descending on a ladder from Earth below into Heaven above. In Today’s Verse we have his words describing what that was like and how The Fear of God overwhelmed him.

Unfortunately, we live in a time where almost “everything but” a Reverential Fear is used to describe God’s Presence. We’ve even had in years past the phenomenon known as “the Toronto Blessing” where those meeting would be overwhelmed with uncontrollable laughter. But biblically, and historically, we have many recorded stories and accounts of the very description that Jacob uses; AWESOME! And I don’t mean in our current vernacular. I mean overwhelmed and struck with…AWE!

To be in God’s presence, whether by yourself having your Devotions, or with others in your Church, should elicit the same emotion. Yes, we will experience Joy (Ps 16:11), but at its foundation should be Godly Fear. To describe it any other way is a disservice to God and the Bible. Those who truly “KNOW” God, will “FEAR” God!

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