Read Ecclesiastes 1-4

“I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure. So enjoy yourself.” And behold, it too was futility.” Ecclesiastes 2:1

Each year, as I come to Ecclesiastes, I go from having my mind saturated in Wisdom and reveling in it, to the awakening that it too is Vanity! Without God at the center of your life, like King Solomon, it has no purpose. It is Empty and Void!

There were 2 things that this wise king needed to help him grasp the significance of Life, God’s Glory, and Eternity. To live for God’s Glory gives meaning and purpose To All Things! Without that at the center, everything is Vanity!!! To live in this World without our heart set on Eternity and a Heavenly Reward, does the same. May our Hearts be set properly in order to avoid this Huge Pitfall!

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