“for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47b
Of all the stories in the Bible, David and Goliath is probably the one most people know and love. Even as a child growing up in a non-Christian home, and where the Bible was never read, I knew about this story. So far in our Bible Reading, we’ve seen Saul’s failure to destroy the Amalekites, Samuel’s anointing of David, and Today’s Story of his journey to visit his brothers during the Philistine Stalemate. While there, David hears Goliath’s blaspheming challenge and is brought before Saul as a candidate to engage him, and then Saul’s reluctant allowance.
As David rejects the use of Saul’s Armor (opting for his Sling and 5 Stones), we’re told of Goliath’s words in seeing the Jews Champion take the Field of Challenge. “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” Today’s Verse are the last words of David before he ran at Goliath. In them we have epitomized his view of the story; “the battle is the Lord’s”. Not mine, not yours, The Lord’s! When we hear this story rehearsed today in a movie, in the news, or in sports, it is done to characterize a smaller/weaker individual overcoming a larger/stronger one. This is true, but rarely would they attribute their reason being the same as David’s. This is where they differ. God took a “nobody”, too insignificant to be at Samuel’s Feast, filled him with His Spirit, and then uses him mightily! That is “Why” the story of David and Goliath turns out as it does. “He…WILL…give you into our hands.”
And so it is in Our Life’s Journey. We Too, will face Giants of Trial and Affliction, and see Ourselves as much Smaller and Insignificant just as David did! But the Key to Victory IS NOT in ourselves, no matter how we try and Emulate or Picture ourselves as David! They KEY is, that “The Battle Is The Lord’s”!!! May “We Too” have David’s Perspective!!!