“Now behold, there came a man of God from Judah to Bethel by the word of the Lord, while Jeroboam was standing by the altar to burn incense.” 1 Kings 13:1
(This is actually from Yesterday’s Reading, but because of its importance, I wanted to include it for today!)
As I’ve mentioned before, the Bible is filled with the most Amazing Stories! And these are not Works of Fiction! They ALL actually took place just as they were written. That’s what makes the Bile so Amazing. Well today we have another one of those Chapters that we read and go…“What???”
The Story has Two Prophets, a Donkey, and a Lion. In Summary, the 1st prophet confronts King Jeroboam, gives an accompanying sign, and then tells us the name of a future King (Josiah) hundreds of years in advance. The 2nd prophet, lies to the 1st, and then proclaims God’s Judgement on him for believing his lie. As a result, a lion kills the 1st prophet, and stands there, eating neither the man or harming the donkey. If this were not in the Bible, who would believe it?
How about you? Do you believe this Story? Many today do not. They question it, AND, much more. “Having Faith” includes a belief in an All Powerful God who wrote this Book…and every word in it!!! Do You?