Going to the candidates Debate!
Last night’s Debate reminded me of this song by Simon and Garfunkel. Here is the line I had in mind: (this is actually a Post from last year)
“Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose
Every way you look at it, you lose!”
Reading Posts today on Facebook brought many and varied opinions. Several likened it to a Playground Fight between 2 boys. Others said they could only watch a couple of minutes of it.

However, I and a few others I respect, did not. Their responses were wise and guarded. They did not condone the behavior as much as embrace the Scrappiness. As a good friend pointed out, “God has given us a “Jehu” for president. He drives his chariot furiously. He is perhaps not the remedy we want, but most probably the tough, brawling remedy we need.” He also added, “We need messy Jehu to clean out Ahab’s and Jezebel’s house.”

As I have stated to my family and close friends, I cannot believe any True Christian can be a Democrat these days. Maybe as a new convert, or someone who just enters into a Political Awakening, but not long after that. Sooner or later they will discover what the Democrats believe and have to depart. They are the Party of Death, Immorality, Lies, and Control, just to name a few. So, IMHO, watching 2 grown men verbally Duking it out on stage for 90 minutes can be overlooked. We have no other choice. But this does not leave us in despair because as we watch Trump in action, we can hear Jehu say, “come and see my Zeal for the Lord”!
As long as Americans worship Baal and sacrifice children, our fate is most likely what happened after Jehu.
Yes! I concur!