Listen to it now!
If you sang Choruses in Church during the 70s, you’ll probably recognize some of the Titles here. Calvary Chapel sang these during their Informal Services, such as their Saturday Night Concerts and weekly Bible Studies during those early years. They were popularized in a series of Albums called the Praise Albums. They were a Vocal Series that first came out in 1974 This Album is part of an Instrumental Series that came out in 1977. I’m not sure if they outsold the Vocal Series or not, but they were extremely popular. The box to the left is a link to my YouTube Channel where I have this Album, as well as many others. Take time to Listen to it and let me know your thoughts. Enjoy!
Praise Strings 1 was released in 1977 and was the first of a Series that would end with Volume 7. The Album was produced by Tom Coomes (Love Song), as well as most of the Vocal Praise Albums. It is extremely well done, with a Full Orchestra sound, and whether you are familiar with the songs or not, can guarantee that you’ll enjoy them. There are only 10 Songs on this and the entire Album is just over a half an hour! Feel free to visit my YouTube Page where I post all my Music.
- Praise You Father
- Sing to the Father
- Father I Adore You
- Praise the Lord
- Unto Thee, O Lord
- Sing Hallelujah
- Open Our Eyes
- Light Our Way
- My Peace
- Seek Ye First