“If you build it, they will come”; The Iconic Words Ray Kinsella heard while walking in his Corn Field one evening. Most of you will recognize this quote from the Movie, “Field Of Dreams”. That Movie where he plows up his Corn Field, builds a Baseball Diamond in its place, and then hosts an array of Dead Baseball Legends that come to play on it. But it isn’t. It’s a Misquote. The actual Quote is, “If you build it, HE will come”. Oh well, …so much for Nostalgic Details.

But getting back to the plot line. If you’ve seen the movie, the whole story centers on the “If-Then” Statement. “If” you build the Baseball Field, “Then” they He will come. We see in the beginning the transformation of the Corn Field to the Baseball Diamond, and the eventual materializing of the Dead Baseball Legends; but,…it’s not until the end that we find out who the He is. It turns out to be his Dad. It is really quite touching!!!
So, on my walk today, I’m musing on this Quote “If you build it, they will come” (even if it is the wrong quote). I’m thinking about it in reference to my Website. “No”, I say to myself, “I don’t believe this was my thought when I began building it”. But the longer I mused, the more unsure I was if this indeed was my prevailing thought. I believe God directed me to Build it. No, I didn’t hear a Voice, or have a Dream, or anything like that. But all things considered, I believe God had put this burden on my heart and given me the time and capacity to do it!

You see, “this website” is my Field of Dreams. In an earlier Post, “Why This?”, I explain the background to why I even started this Project. And, as you might surmise by now, those subliminal thoughts promising “They Will Come”, was part of the whole concept of Building it. I mean, why do you want a Website? Just to say that you “built one”, whether or not you get anyone “visiting” it? So once again, here I am, “Hat in Hand” asking for your help! If Ray Kinsella had Built that Baseball Field and No One had come to play on it, would there even be a Movie? Of course not!
So let me ask My Questions again:
- Have you Prayed for me?
- Have you Visited it?
- Have you Invited others?
1. Have you Prayed for me? Now, I realize that if you “don’t pray” (not saying anything negative, just stating a fact) then you probably won’t be praying. But if you “Do Pray”, then will you Please Pray for me and for the Website? Jesus made the statement in John 15, “without Me you can do nothing”. I absolutely believe in this, and so I Deeply “Covet” your Prayers. As I stated in my “Why This?” post, I have spent the last 2 years on this website and without God’s Help, it’s all in Vain!!!

2. Have you Visited it? Maybe you clicked on a Facebook Link, checked out a Post, and then went your way. But did you take time to “Look” at the Website? To explore a bit? To see what I have there? I realize that it may not be of interest to you, especially if you “are not” a Christian. But if you are, there is “plenty” of things of interest! Have you heard Pastor Al Martin preach, or read any of his Sermons? I consider him one of the greatest preachers of the last century; and I’m not alone in that assessment! Have you read anything by Arthur Pink? As I stated on Facebook, his book “The Sovereignty of God” is rated as one of the top books of last century!
Have you read Spurgeon’s “Around the Wicket Gate” or his Autobiography? I hadn’t, but I have now. How about Lloyd-Jones? Have you ever heard him preach? I know many have read him, but listened to him? Have you read anything by J.C Ryle? His Expository Thoughts on the Gospels rank at the top of Solid Devotional reading! Have you listened to, or read, anything by Paul Washer? IMHO, he will go down as one of the Great Preachers of “our” generation. I know I had only discovered him in the last few years. Do you Love Music? The Our Daily Bread Hymns are Fantastic, and almost Unknown! My “One Year Bible” posts are more than just a Bible Reading Schedule. They are Personal Thoughts and Comments on that Daily Reading!
And all that I describe to you is just the first 3 months of the Website. There will be more by other Contributors, More and Varied Music, and a greater variety of personal thoughts and comments; but “Only If They Come”, which leads me to my third Question.
3. Have you Invited others? I realize that even as Varied and Interesting as I’ve tried to make the Website, you might not like it, and once you’ve seen it, never come back. I Get That! Maybe you were “Weaned” on all that I’ve put there. But remember, my effort and burden has been primarily for the Unsaved, the Newly Saved, and the Immature; even though there is stuff there for every one of you! IMHO, this Website is desperately needed by today’s Church at large! I’m sure you could list 5-10 individuals that you would want to read or listen to what I have here. Won’t you send them a Kind Invitation to visit the Website?

So there you have it; my “Field Of Dreams” is https://priuscrash.com and is open 24 Hours a day; Will have at least 2 Fresh Posts every day; And continue to expand and grow as time goes on. All I need is “They Will Come”. What’s interesting, near the end of the Movie, Ray is being warned about imminent Bankruptcy by his brother-in-law Mark. He demands repeatedly to sell it and even has the papers to initiate the process. Enter Terrance Mann, played by James Earl Jones, who interjects his moving speech, “People Will Come”. He begins citing “near miraculous” reasons why people will just start coming out to this Field of Dreams to spend money and watch Baseball. That would be nice if God did that for me, but this isn’t Hollywood folks. But God can use YOU to help, and perhaps this Post is the means He will do that. Thanks for reading and hopefully for your help!
Great post! Thank you!
thanks john
John, when God places a vision on your heart you follow through and do what he asks you to do. You were faithful to follow his lead. The internet reaches the entire globe. There are definitely those who don’t know Jesus or who are very young in their walk with God who will read the articles. Thanks for being obedient to the Lord! You were thoughtful to include hymns. I never knew that there was music available through Our Daily Bread. Thank you for your obedience. You have a great gift of being able to communicate in a creative way that is interesting and understandable.
Thanks Nicki!
Thank you John, I found this very moving. I’ll be back and will share. God be with you and bless your work.
Thanks Synde!
Great post. How or where can I find the Website?
Thanks! You’re actually on it, well, you were while looking at the post. There is/was an icon up in the top left corner that if you click on it, takes you to the Home Page. Or, you can go to the following:
https://priuscrash.com . You should be able to click on the address and it will take you to the Home Page. If not, you have to copy and paste the address into your Browser.
Love your heart and honesty here, John! Thanks for the invitation for us to read, pray, and invite others. May the Lord truly bring the right people to your site. Take care!
John, you’re a very good writer.
Thank you!
I look at it this way. God has blessed you with a heritage of grandchildren. Build the site, write the words, and THEY will come. If the only “they” are your grandchildren, that would be worth it all. What a gift to leave to them and their posterity.
Wise thoughts Thomas. Thank You!
Thanks for sharing John. I look at my journey here in this world and pray to know God’s will for me. I find that knowing the path that I’m supposed to be on has as much to do with listening. I ask that my heart, mind, and soul be open to the Holy Spirit. When I listen I find that I am on the path that God had for me. When I rush through my daily devotionals I sense that I am stumbling. In these cases I find that patience is the best course of action. The path isn’t one that I’m creating. I’m merely following Jesus and the example He has given me to follow.
That’s it, isn’t it?
Excellent post and website. It is truly inspirational and inspired by God. May He richly pour out His blessings on you and this work.
Thank you Doug! Appreciate the kind words and your friendship!
Thanks for reaching out and sharing this article, Mr. Hall. I found your writing style to be clear and easy to follow. Even enjoyable. Being the young whipper-snapper that I am, I’ve not seen the movie Field of Dreams but can remember my parents watching it at some point. However, I can certainly remember times that my Dad has said that phrase “If you build it…” Naturally, he would say “… they will come”. I guess I’ll have to correct that from now on. 😉
As far as Our Daily Bread, ever since you shared the Christmas album on Facebook back in December, it has been in constant rotation at our home. I’ve found it both relaxes you and allows you to always have a melody / harmony to hum along to. Not to mention it beats a lot of what you find on the radio today. I’ll often have it playing when we have company over. Both myself and my extended family thank you for sharing that, Our Daily Bread music has undoubtedly been a blessing.
I have browsed the website and been very encouraged by the posts I have read.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you Joel for taking time to write and your kind words. It is very encouraging just to know “someone” has seen the website and has enjoyed it. I have no way of knowing these things!
Thanks for the article, John. Very well written. Thank you for mentioning Ryle Martin Pink Spurgeon and Washer.
Truly some of the greatest men that have ever preached or written.
May the Lord richly bless your website.
You are welcome my friend!
Thanks for the invite to your site, John. Got a feeling it will be a seed turning into a large oak. When I read the first sentence, “If you build it, they will come.” I already knew it was a misquote and thought, oh boy, I’m gonna have to pipe in and correct it for him. But lo and behold you cleared it up immediately. Good job! Prayers for you and your life coming next! Just build it.
Thanks Fred! Appreciate that you took time to respond and for your kind comments. Hope you are well and enjoy seeing your presence on Facebook!