“Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b
As I read through the Bible, I’m often struck by Familiar Verses I see in Pictures, Plaques, and Banners. I’m sure you can relate. You may even have one of them on a Calendar or Poster in a Bedroom. We’ve seen them in Homes and Churches in various places. Well, Today’s Verse is one of them! And though this Verse stands by itself, I would like to consider its Context.
As we begin Chapter 8, we read “all the people gathered as one man at the square which was in front of the Water Gate. Then Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly of men, women and…he read from it”. And what happened? “All the people were weeping when they heard the words of the law”. This was the Context in which the People heard these Words!
Now again, this Verse stands by itself. The Jews didn’t need to “Grieve” in order to know the “Joy of the Lord”. But because these Jews “were” Grieving, they were displaying a Heart that had been transformed by the Word of God. Because their hearts “had” been changed, they were directed towards Joy. I don’t believe they would have heard this Admonition if they were not Grieving. I believe the same holds true for Christians. Yes, God can give us Joy. It is a Fruit of the Spirit. But what must take place? We MUST have a Changed Heart. We MUST Repent over our Sin. It is only then that we are Abiding in the Vine and able to bear Fruit. It is only then, that we know Joy!